1. Needs to be completely (100%) original work; I use copyscape and an additional third party checker.2. & 3. It must be completed by no later than 7 P.M. Eastern Stadard Time today/tonight (07/27/2013) and I need to get a 100 and/or a very near perfect score on it so that means the paper needs at least one APA reference with a clear link to it (One reference is fine for me).Moreover there is about eight hours from this initial posting to get this done and that is why I am offering so much (Since it is a bit of a rush job). Yet it is ot that hard so I think it is fair. In addition there are quite a few papers floating aroud online that could be used as a template and/or rough-draft to get ideaas on it. However as stated I need ORIGINAL work and good work. Lastly APA style! Thank you in advance!