1) to analyze the factors that affect the ability of a companyto operate successfully in other countries; (2) to evaluate thepros and cons of alternative globalization strategies; and (3) todevelop a plan for entering into and sustaining operations in theglobal market place. An overarching objective of the PortfolioProject is to reinforce key concepts covered in this course.Assume you are a small- to medium-sized manufacturing companylocated in the United States (or some other country) and you areinterested in taking the first steps to establish a globalpresence. Your movement into globalization may take several formsincluding exporting your product collaborating with company inanother country franchising direct foreign investmentoutsourcing or a combination of the above. Your final result mayinvolve selling your product in another country outsourcing ormanufacturing your product in another country and importing it backto the United States and/or producing and selling your product inanother country.