1. Which of the following factors most likely determines the appropriate procedure codeassignment for prostatectomies?A. The approachB. The case-mix indexC. The age of the patientD. The presence of secondary diseases2. A sacral decubitus ulcer with gangrene is coded and sequenced (if applicable) as codesA. 707.03.B. 707.03 785.4.C. 785.4.D. 785.4 707.033. How many codes should be assigned for cellulitis as a complication of chronic skin ulcers?A. OneB. TwoC. ThreeD. Unsure need to query physician4. Any skin debridement performed by a physician should be coded to which of the followingprocedure codes?A. 86.22B. 86.27C. 86.28D. Need more information; must query physician for type of debridement used