11. For the following scores find the (a) mean (b) median (c) sum of squareddeviations (d) variance and (e) standard deviation:2 2 0 5 1 4 1 3 0 0 1 4 4 0 1 4 3 4 2 1 012. For the following scores find the (a) mean (b) median (c) sum of squareddeviations (d) variance and (e) standard deviation:1112; 1245; 1361; 1372; 147213. For the following scores find the (a) mean (b) median (c) sum of squareddeviations (d) variance and (e) standard deviation:3.0 3.4 2.6 3.3 3.5 3.216. A psychologist interested in political behavior measured the square footage of thedesks in the official office of four U.S. governors and of four chief executive officers(CEOs) of major U.S. corporations. The figures for the governors were 44 3652 and 40 square feet. The figures for the CEOs were 32 60 48 and 36 squarefeet. (a) Figure the means and standard deviations for the governors and for theCEOs. (b) Explain to a person who has never had a course in statistics what youhave done. (c) Note the ways in which the means and standard deviations differand speculate on the possible meaning of these differences presuming that theyare representative of U.S. governors and large corporations CEOs in general.21. Payne (2001) gave participants a computerized task in which they first see aface and then a picture of either a gun or a tool. The task was to press one buttonif it was a tool and a different one if it was a gun. Unknown to the participantswhile they were doing the study the faces served as a prime (something thatstarts you thinking a particular way); half the time they were of a black personand half the time of a white person. Table 2 9 shows the means and standard deviationsfor reaction times (the time to decide if the picture is of a gun or a tool)after either a black or white prime. (In Experiment 2 participants were told to