2.Explain how you would go about dtermining the quality of data in a healthcare facility. What would be your approach and your steps taken?
List at least five steps either from the literature or unique to what your feel is best practice. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the method you are proposing?
3.Why do you suppose the author believes that administrative databases are not adequate to assess quality of care outcomes? What would be adequate?
Eplain and give an example
4.What is the difference between an operational plan and strategic plan for information serives? Why is the difference important? Provide specific examples for each one.
5. Discuss the differences between histograms polygons and bar charts. When and with what type of data are these tests appropriate to use? Multiple Choice
6.Which of the below would not constitute the minimum counter- measures for security of the enterprise data ?
Personnel security Physical security Medical security Hardware security Software security
7. Which of the choices below does not define data ?
Unstructured raw facts A set of facts Entities with attributes and relationships Empirical obervations Facts resulting from obervation of physical phenomena
8.In the data flow diagram which of the below does not belong ?
model of the organizations processes model of the data flows that link processes data requirments for the processes data stores external entities
9.Which of the following attributes are part of the operationl plan ?
A.Global perspective B.Conerned with day-to-day operationsC. Hardware software and personnel management or B and C All of the above