2. The switch was closed for a long time and opens at t=0s. Find v(0) i(0) i(t) for all t>=0s and v(t) for t>=0s.3. In the following circuit the switch was closed for a long long time. at t=0s the switch opens.
find v(0) i(0) i(t) for all t>=0s and v(t) for t>=0s.4. In the following circuit the switch was closed for a long long tijme. at t=0s the switch opens. Find a) Io= i(0) and v(0) for t>=0s. Find b) t the time constant c) i(t) and v(t).5. In the following circuit the switch was closed for a long long time. At t=0s the switch opens. Determine i(t) for all t>=0s.