3springs mass systems in vertical plane .the mass of all pulleys and connecting strings and springs are negligible and friction at all contact is absent. calculate the T1t2T3 WHICH ARE TIME PERIODS OF SMALL VERTICAL OSCILLATION OF MASS IN SYSTEM 1231.to the horizontal bar one string and spring of4k are attached connected to pulleys one pulley is attached to the bottom with spring of 8kother pulley suspended to mass m2.from the horizontal bar 2 springs 8k and 4k are attached.8k spring is connected to pulley which is attached to a string to the bottom other pulley attached to spring 4k has mass m suspended to it3. from the horizontal bar one spring and a string are attached spring is of 4k.it is attached to pulley which is connected to another spring of 8k attached to the bottomother pulley is suspended with mass m it is attached to the top with a string