8 Cherries6 Oranges5 Lemons3 Limes2 Apples1 BananaThe following are the payouts for the combinations that you get:1 Cherry on any Wheel = $12 Cherries on any 2 Wheels = $23 Cherries = $53 Oranges = $103 Lemons = $153 Limes = $253 Apples = $503 Bananas = $250No combination = $0You are to pay $1 for each play on this slot machine.a). Create a probability model for the slot machine. Let X represent the amount of profit (loss) from each combination. Use all the decimal places for the probabilities.b). Find the expected value and standard deviation for the probability model.c). Is this game fair? Explain why or why not.d). How can you make each time you play better for you?