A dormitory at a large university built 50 years ago hasexterior walls constructed of L(sheathing) = 25-mm-thick sheathingwith a thermal conductivity of k(sheathing) = 0.1 W/m*K. To reduceheat losses in the winter the university decides to encapsulatethe entire dormatory by applying an L(insulation) = 25-mm-thicklayer of extruded insulation characterized by k(insulation) = 0.029W/m*K to the exterior of the original sheating. The extrudedinsulation is in turn covered with an L(glass) = 5-mm-thickarchitectural glass with k(glass) = 1.4 W/m*K. Determine the heatflux through the original and retrofitted walls when the interiorand exterior air temperatures are T(infinti inside) = 22 degrees Cand T(infiniti outside) = -20 degrees C respectively. The innerand outer convection heat transfer coefficients are h(inside) = 5W/m^2 *K and h(outside) = 25 W/m^2 *K respectively.