Area Polu Resp
1 10 10
2 51 47
3 10 16
4 21 21
5 28 26
6 59 55
7 43 35
8 55 53
9 16 4
10 16 24
11 3 29
12 53 54
13 25 44
14 34 38
15 33 30Perform a linear regression and Correlation on this data (steps 1-12 and 16-17) using an alpha of .05.
If they are linearly related predict the Incidence rate of chronic respiratory disease for a geographic area with the concentration of an pollutant of 50.
Explain the 95% Confidence interval and the 95% Prediction interval.
17 required steps
1. Plot the variable and see if they seem to have a linear relationship
2: Describe what u see
3. Find the linear regression line
4. Interpret B0 and B1
5. Draw regression line on graph
6. Draw the y-bar line on graph
7. Select point and partition SST
8. coefficient of determination (r2) and explain
9. Hypothesis about slope: Ho and HA
11. Verify assumption that all standard deviations are equal by plotting residuals vs X variable
12. Verify assumption that all sub populations of y are normally distributed Q-Q plot
13. Predict y using the above model
14. Explain the 95% confidence interval
15. Explain the 95% prediction interval
16. Calculate R (correlation coefficient)
17. Hypothesis test about rho