average acceleration = change of velocity / time interval
1. The starting position and starting velocity should both be 0.
2. There should be a loop to validate the position entered by the user. As stated earlier each position that the user enters must be greater than or equal to the previous position. Each time the user enters an invalid position an error message that includes the invalid position as well as the previous valid position should be displayed and the user should be given a chance to enter the current position again.
Processing Requirements
1. At the top of the C++ source code include a documentation box that resembles the ones from programs 1 and 2.
2. The program should be fully documented.
3. Use meaningful variable names.
4. Make sure and test the program with values other than the ones in the Sample Output.
5. Hand in a copy of the source code using Blackboard.
Sample Output
Motion Analysis
Enter the uniform time interval in seconds: 2.5Enter a position in feet (negative value to quit): 2
Average velocity (this interval): 0.80 feet/second
Average acceleration: 0.32 feet/second/secondEnter a position in feet (negative value to quit): 5
Average velocity (this interval): 1.20 feet/second
Average acceleration: 0.16 feet/second/secondEnter a position in feet (negative value to quit): 4
Invalid value: 4 is less than the current position of 5. Try again.Enter a position in feet (negative value to quit): 12Average velocity (this interval): 2.80 feet/second
Average acceleration: 0.64 feet/second/secondEnter a position in feet (negative value to quit): -1