It is a research proposal for one of my courses, however it is very important because i will also use same topic and this proposal for my Dissertation.
These are the requirements..
Consist of 5 parts;
1) Title:
The title should simply and concisely summarize the research question
2) Background:
It provides a rationale for your research question: you show the reader that your question is relevant and original. You use the background to show that your research question fits in a debate in a specific literature: you show how your research relates to what has been done before in the subject area. The intention is not to write a detailed review of the literature but rather to provide an overview of key literature sources from which you will draw This will not be the same as the critical literature review that you will write for the dissertation(Chapter 2) but the stat of the process that leads to it.
3) The background session leads logically into your research question.
“ Which type of Corporate events and contents may Y Generation expects from their companies? ”
4) According to the research question you will propose a qualitative design, a quantitative design or a secondary data collection (or a combination of the 3). You will specify participants and techniques.
5) Please, refer to APA style.
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