i have attached the comments from my teacher from my lasthomework so read it and try to avoid the mistake and makecorrection where needed.Criteria Points Possible Points EarnedComments Central Idea/Focus: Topic purpose and thesis are clearand identifiable in the introduction; all ideas consistentlyaddress this main idea without off-topic or irrelevant ideas. 10 7A thesis statement must clearly explain the topic argument and 3key points of the paper Support/Development of Ideas: Ideas aresufficiently developed for each point. Ten points may be earned foreach of the two sections of the document: Introduction and ProblemAnalysis. Section I: Introduction must have attention-grabbingstory topic purpose credibility and why the topic is important;the thesis is graded above in the central idea. Section II musthave main idea followed by support such as the history causeseffects definition evaluation or opposing view. 25 20 Fullyexplain and develop all ideas. All source information requiredin-text citations. Organization/Structure: Sections are clearlydelineated; the internal structure of a piece of writing thethread of central meaning. All ideas are organized well without anymissing or incomplete components. 15 14 Non-text item must beintroduced APA including Paper Format: correct title page headerssecond page title margins alignment spacing font and size.In-text and end-text citations for at least three sources arelisted in the References. Prewriting portion of assignment iscompleted and submitted with the draft. 5 points 15 5 Prewritingrequired. SOURCE MUST BE CURRENT written since 2005. Correct APAformat required for references. Grammar/Mechanics/Style: Grammarrefers to correctness of language usage. Mechanics refers toconventional correctness in capitalization punctuation andspelling. Style includes word choice sentence variety clarityand conciseness. Also sentences vary in length and structure;ideas are clear logical and concise. 10 5 ALL of these errorsneed correction. Work with Tutor Source! Total 75 51 Dhruvil agood start. Fully develop the key points argument and oppositionas you work on the next draft. Opportunities with grammarmechanics and the APA format. ALL of these need corrections.Continue working on your thesis statement. Dr. A