In addition to stating your research objectives the 4-5 page plan should include:o Data sources and why used (secondary and/or primary);o Research approaches and why used (observation focus-group survey behavioral data and/or experimental research);o Research instruments and why used (questionnaires psychological tools mechanical devices and/or qualitative measures);o Sampling plan (i.e. who will be surveyed how many people will be surveyed and how will the respondents be selected);o Contact methods and why used (mail telephone in person or online).Make sure to state why you made the choices for your marketing plan. This may include reasoning from an environmental analysis for the United States. As you may recall an environmental analysis includes surveying the external environment of an industry including the economic socio-cultural demographic political-legal technological and competitive environments.Support your recommendations with at least 2 reference sources that discuss the nature of the product use of market research methods related to the product or considerations in conducting research and cite your references using APA style.