*Level 1 MOS models for L = 0.18 um* Note: For a device W microns wide the source/drain junction area* as = ad = 0.6*W micron squared and the perimeter ps = pd = 2*W+1.2 microns.* The value of lambda is inversely propotional to the channel length.* Note the these parameters are different from those given in the
book. .model nm nmos
+ level=1 vto=.8 gamma=.5 phi=.6 tox=180e-10
+ nsub=9e+14 ld=1e-7 uo=350 lambda=.08
+ cj=1.46e-4 cjsw=3.2e-10 pb=.65 mj=.37 mjsw=.26
+ cgdo=4.4e-10 cgso=4.4e-10.model pm pmos
+ level=1 vto=-.85 gamma=.6 phi=.65 tox=180e-10
+ nsub=4e+14 ld=1e-7 uo=150 lambda=.1 cj=2.8e-4
+ cjsw=2.2e-10 pb=.73 mj=.47 mjsw=.22 cgdo=4.4e-10
+ cgso=4.4e-10