List are Ture or False?
1. In order to be more effective it is often advisable to heavily rely upon email to communicate with people in companies in which you are interested.
2. One should make an effort to communicate in an increasingly concise manner making the purposes of your communication to be as prominent as possible.
3.Interesting fonts and background designs are an effective way to differentiate your resumes letters and emails such that you will be distinguishable from
all the other candidates.
4. It is optimal to include a description of your hobbies in your resume.
5.Resumes are designed to get you the professional position you desire.
6.In order to distinguish yourself it may be a good idea to have your name in the email address you use to communicate with businesses.
7.Unless otherwise indicated typically a week is good length of time to wait before you contact the firm about the resume you sent.
8.We should always leave any business meeting with a date of our next contact.