M Y C L A S S R O O MI would like to describe my classroom. It is a very spacious roomwith full-length windows overlooking the college garden. Rather than distracting the students this lovely garden view actuallyimproves the mood of the class. The seating arrangement ofthis lecture hall involves six rows of long one-piece desks. Infront of each of these desks are six moveable chairs which means that the classroom can accommodate 36 students.I am happy that the desks and chairs in this classroom are madeof wood and not of the ugly plastic that is often used forsuch furniture. The front wall which the students face is white unlike theother walls which are cream-colored. On this front wall is aroll-down projection screen. Projected images are an importantteaching tool for our instructors so every classroom is equippedwith one. There is other multimedia equipment present in theroom most of which is located up near the ceiling to protect these expensive and fragile components from being damaged. The classroom also contains sufficient air conditioning unitsto keep the room fresh and cool in the summer months.