Oracle database to support a web based discussionboardThe board is to allow threaded discussions. Users canregister or not register. Registered users can rank threads. Theusers can have a signature file and a link to their own web site.Users are grouped into three categories; regular advanced andadmins. Admins can delete threads advanced can only deleteresponses. Deleted threads and responses are only hidden they arenever actually deleted. The IP date time and user for eachresponse must be stored in the database. Each thread can be markedwith a category and each user can set up a default listing ofcategories they want to view.Theses views must include the following:A users view that shows the user info and theirsettings. A multi-thread view that shows threads that a person isinterested in. A single thread view which shows a thread and theresponses to it. An admin view of each that shows the hidden threads andresponses.