-Project Material:
obtain the annual reports and 10-K form of the two publicly held companies for two consecutive years to be used in the project.
2- Project Learning Objectives:
experience up-to-date %u201Clive%u201D Financial Statements %u201Cin their natural habitat.%u201D
increase students%u2019 ability to apply the financial theories and financial analysis techniques to actual financial statements.
using %u201CThe Annual Reports and 10-Forms%u201D
know how to obtain quickly and accurately business and financial information about their suppliers customers or competitors.
3-Project Description:
applying the material taught to real world situations.
make thorough analysis of the two companies
make useful recommendation for creditors and investors regarding the potential risk and return for each company.
4-Project Submission:
Word Format double-spaced no less than 30 pages long and be submitted no later than the last chat.