Question: ProjectFor General Motors (GM) provideestimated value per share based on free cash flow valuation. Thereport should detail your valuation of the company how you derived the data used in the valuation and a research recommendation (strong buy buy hold sell strong sell) based on your calculations.
1. estimated value per share based on free cash flow valuation. Potential information sources 1. Company web site 2. SEC web site for annual reports and other company filings: 3. FINRA web site for corporate bond prices and yields: 4. Business news web sites including Yahoo Finance CNN Money BusinessWeek and LexisNexis Academic (to access this site you must either be working at a campus computer or log in using your MyNeu username and password). The purpose of this project is to give you the opportunity to apply the valuation principles and concepts Your report should detail your valuation of the company how you derived the data used in the valuation and a research recommendation (strong buy buy hold sell strong sell) based on your calculations. Company Chosen: GM (General Motors) Question: