Responed 1 unit 1
At a minimum each student will be expected to post an original and thoughtful response to the DB question and contribute to the weekly dialogue by responding to at least two other posts from students.
Ruby Estanovich
With the introduction of computer mediated communication came a great abundance of good and bad in my opinion. I think using email for work and things you can get to later is a great thing. Without the mass amount of computer communication things like online schooling would not be available.
Responed 1 unit 1
At a minimum each student will be expected to post an original and thoughtful response to the DB question and contribute to the weekly dialogue by responding to at least two other posts from students.
Ruby Estanovich
With the introduction of computer mediated communication came a great abundance of good and bad in my opinion. I think using email for work and things you can get to later is a great thing. Without the mass amount of computer communication things like online schooling would not be available. I think emailing or using social media is a great way to keep up with family and friends that may live in another state. Do I think that there is any burden to all the computer communications? Yes I do I think that using text messaging and social media has also created a lot of negative on the world. These forms of communication can be used for bullying and harrasment they as well can be used to frequently too. For example of being used to frequently if a parent is in the kitchen preparing a meal for the family and a child sends a text or tweet to say what is for dinner. With the computer communication also comes the lack of exercise in children and adults where we as people used to go out and ride bikes we maybe to interested in texting about that new bike we just recieved as a gift.