Select an organization which conducts bothdomestic and global marketing.Write a 1050- to 1400-word paper in which youidentify the environmental factors that affect global and domesticmarketing decisions. Address the following as they relate to theorganizations marketing decisions:Each bullet point needs to be numbered in the paper.(example: 1. the begin discussing first bullet point 2. secondbullet point so on and so forth) Analyze the influence of global economicinterdependence and the effect of trade practices andagreements. Examine the importance of demographics and physicalinfrastructure. Analyze the influence of culturaldifferences. Examine the importance of social responsibility andethics versus legal obligations. Analyze the effect of political systems and theinfluence of international relations. Analyze the influence of the Foreign CorruptPractices Act of 1977 and the influence of local national andinternational legislation. Explain the effect oftechnology.