Who: Students work individuallyUse Windows Movie Maker to create a short 1-2 minute wmv video.
Video ProjectWho: Students work individuallyUse Windows Movie Maker to create a short 1-2 minute wmv video. Your video should have the following elements.1. 3 video clips (you can split one clip into several clips).2. Video transitions.3. An extra audio track. Put a piece of background music of your choice in the track. 4. A still picture.A rolling credits at the end of the video.A title clip.Save the Windows Movie Maker project file.Save the final video as a wmv movie.With time permitting each student will present his/her video in the next class. Turn it in through Blackboard.EFL537: Computer Assisted Language Learning Video ProjectWho: Students work individuallyUse Windows Movie Maker to create a short 1-2 minute wmv video. Your video should have the following elements.1. 3 video clips (you can split one clip into several clips).2. Video transitions.3. An extra audio track. Put a piece of background music of your choice in the track. 4. A still picture.A rolling credits at the end of the video.A title clip.Save the Windows Movie Maker project file.Save the final video as a wmv movie.With time permitting each student will present his/her video in the next class. Turn it in through Blackboard.EFL537: Computer Assisted Language Learning