Source- Media Now 10th Edition
Understanding Media Culture and Technology
Authors: Joseph Straubhaar Robert Larose Lucinda Davenport
200-300 words
For this assignment you will pick 2 questions from the specified chapters (4 total) and answer each with a minimum of 2 paragraphs that are 35 sentences.
Read Chapter 13 of the Straubhaar et al. text. Select 2 questions from the list below to answer:
1. Why and how has PR become a profession over the years?
2. Imagine that you are a PR practitioner hired to promote a shelter for homeless families. What steps and tools would you use and why?
3. Say a client wants to hire your agency; the only problem is that you do not agree with the clients ethics. What would you do and why?
4. Discuss if public relations has changed over the years in its primary purpose or if it is only the tools that have changed.
5. Can you identify some organizations and public figures today who need public relations and why?
Read Chapter 14 from the Straubhaar et al. text. Select 2 questions from the list below to answer:
1. What were the most important developments that led to the advertising industry of today?
2. What target markets do you belong to and what media should advertisers use to reach you?
3. Debate the following proposition: Facebook and Google will make advertising agencies obsolete.
4. Advertising receives substantial criticism so accentuate the positive: what are the good things that advertising does for you and for society?