Write a 3-5 page paper in which you complete the following: 1)Describe the Three Categories of Cybercrime as referenced in lastweeks readings Ch. 7 Cybercrime and Cyber-Related Crimes ofEthics and Technology: Controversies Questions and Strategies forEthical Computing. 2) Identify a potential threat of a cyber crimefor the company you selected in week 2 that falls into one of thecyber crime categories and the corresponding federal law thataddresses this issue. Table 7.1 in this chapter also includes alist of federal laws for computer-related crimes. Use the Internetsite http://www.cybercrime.gov to research the details ofthese laws. 3) Describe the process for reporting this crime to lawenforcement quantifying a loss procedures to record and collectdata on the cyber crime and notification requirements andprocedures that you would put into place. A good source to use forthis information is http://www.cybercrime.gov/ccmanual/ccmanual.pdf