Australian College of Kuwait Department of Engineering Degree Civil Engineering Program ENEC12008Geotechnical Engineering Assignment 1 (due date November 29 2012 at 2 pm) Problem 1 The mass of a moist soil sample collected from the field is 485 grams and its oven dry mass is 419.8 grams. The specific gravity of the soil solids was determined in the laboratory to be 2.71. If the void ratio of the soil in the natural state is 0.72 find the following: a) The moist density of the soil in the field (kg/m3) b) The dry density of the soil in the field (kg/m3) c) The mass of water in kilograms to be added per cubic meter of soil in the field for saturation. Problem 2 Classify the following soil using the Unified Classification system. Problem 3 Determine the vertical stresses below a square and circular uniformly distributed load of 20 kPa using the integration of a point load (Boussinesq solution). The diameter of the circular area is 2 m and the side of the square area is also 2 m. The points where the vertical stress is required are located at depth of 1 m; 4 m and 6 m. The stresses are determined below the center the edge and 2 m from the edge. Compare your results to those given in the book.