Part 1A process for producing electronic circuits has achieved
very high yield levels. An average of only 10 defective parts per million is
currently produced.1.What are the upper and lower control limits for a sample
size of 100?2.Recompute the upper and lower control limits for a sample
size of 10000?3.Which of these two sample sizes would you recommend?
Explain. Part 2Management has reconsidered the method of quality control
and has decided to use process control by variables instead of attributes. For
variables control a circuit voltage will be measured based on a sample of only
five circuits. The past average voltage for samples of size 5 has been 3.1
volts and the range has been 1.2 volts.1.What would the upper and lower control limits be for the
resulting control charts (average and range)?2.Five samples of voltage are taken with the results in the
table below. What action should be taken if any?3.Discuss the pros and cons of using this variables control
chart versus the control chart discussed in the first part of the assignment.
Which do you prefer? Sample 1
2 3 4 5 X 3.6 3.3 2.6 3.9 3.4
R 2.0
2.6 0.7 2.1 2.3