Outline/headings for presenting the Term Paper Abstract Introduction
Analysis- (At least 3 textbooks or academic journals in the bibliography must be cited in the analysis) Findings/Summary/Conclusion/Recommendations
Bibliography-(at least 3 textbooks/academic Journal articles must be includedSelect one of the following topics to compose your paper.1. Provide an example of a public good describe its characteristics and explain why it would be hard allocate this resource efficiently.2. Provide an example of an externality explain its characteristics why prices fail to represent the opportunity costs of the resource and what resolution a tax policy can bring to the situation.3. On Oct 3 2008 President Bush signed into law the $700 Billion economic bailout bill. Describe the significant elements of the credit crisis which caused the U.S. government to take such significant action. Then compare and contrast this crisis with the Asian Credit Crisis in 1997.