A Drosophila geneticist is studying the segregation pattern of the genes held-out wings (ho) and clot eyes (cl) on chromosome 2 and ebony body (e) on chromosome 3 in a particular strain. Surprisingly she discovers that the three genes are now linked in the strain. In a cross of chromosomally normal ho cl/ho cl; e/e females with ho cl/+ +; e/+ males from the odd strain she observes that the males are semisterile. The progeny are tabulated below. ho cl/ho cl; e/e 0ho cl/+ +; e/e 95ho cl/ho cl; e/+ 105ho cl/+ +; e/+ 0Total200a.Why were only two types of progeny recovered in cross A? Explain the absent progeny types.The geneticist infers that a reciprocal translocation has occurred between chromosomes 2 and 3. To map the translocation breakpoint she carries out the cross of ho cl/+ +; e/+ females (presumed translocation heterozygotes) with ho cl/ho cl; +/+ males having normal chromosomes. The progeny are described below ho cl/ho cl semisterile434ho cl/ho cl fertile 2ho cl /+ + semisterile 3ho cl /+ + fertile 446ho cl/ho + semisterile 11ho cl/ho + fertile44ho cl/+ cl semisterile51ho cl/+ cl fertile 9Total 1000b.What is the estimated map distance (in centimorgans) in females between the locations of ho cl and the breakpoint of the translocation? Show your work.