Colors for tables and Web site backgrounds must be chosen when Web pages are built. There are 17 standard color names defined in the HTML and CSS: aqua black blue fuchsia gray grey green lime maroon navy olive purple red silver teal white and yellow.Each color has a unique hexadecimal value that consists of 6 hexadecimal digits. The hexadecimal value can be split into 3 pairs. Each pair corresponds to the intensity of the colors red green and blue. Then the hexadecimal code of each of those colors is translated to an RGB color code that is triplet of decimal numbers.For example:ColorHexadecimal RGBaquamarine7FFFD4127255212In Paint this is designated in the second column of numbers in the bottom right corner. The following image shows the above Paint color option for aquamarine.Choose a colorhere and write a few paragraphs (100300 words) describing your solution to following exercise: