Need SCI 207 help with classwork. Week 1 LabIntroduction tScience-Complete Exercise 1&2Week 1 AssignmentEnvironmental Footprint-Week 2 Food and Agriculture-ClimateChange-UShow to increase food production & the affect of theenvironment and food supply LabWater Quality &Contaminationcommon pollutants-treatments in bottle Verses tapwaterWeek 3 Age of OilChapter6Alternativesand replacements to oil & the governmentsrole to ensure==Lab-Independence of Species/Biodiversity-AssignOutline Final Lab-Water Quality and ContaminationWeek4Climate & Air PollutionPopulation & policies to reduceglobal climate changeLabEnergy Sources & AlternativesTheeffects of coal mining & the Solar EnergyWeek 5-Waste-Enviromental problemsgoals to reduce or eliminatefinancial impactsLab-Weather & Climate ChangeWaterCycleFinal LabWater Quality & Contamination