Rita is the sole shareholder of an auto repair shop that isincorporated. She is at work one day when her sister comes in andtells her she needs $100 for schoolbooks. Rita looks in her walletand seeing that it contains no money opens the cash register andtakes out $100 which she hands to her sister. The sister looksworried but Rita tells her Dont worry; I take money out of thecash register all the time for my personal expenses. Its mybusiness so I can take money out whenever I want. Her customerwho is waiting to pick up his car tells Rita that she is riskingthe piercing of the corporate veil. Is the customer correct? A.Yes Rita is co-mingling personal assets with corporate assets. B.No the customer is wrong. C. Yes Rita is not the board ofdirectors. D. No Rita is the only shareholder and can do what shewants.