what does it mean to be human? For religious people this cant be answered without also considering questions about God or ultimate truth. Choose Islam and Christianity and compare them with the Christian tradition answering the following: How does e
what does it mean to be human? For religious people this cant be answered without also considering questions about God or ultimate truth. Choose Islam and Christianity and compare them with the Christian tradition answering the following: How does each tradition view God (or gods) or ultimate truth? How does this view of God or ultimate truth help inform each traditions view of what it means to be human? What is believed to be necessary for human fulfillment in these traditions? What if anything is a barrier to human fulfillment and how can that barrier be overcome? For each tradition use at least one passage from sacred texts or stories to demonstrate these teachings. (Bible Quran.) For each tradition discuss how this understanding of human nature is reflected in one of the real or fictional life. ( Martin Luther King Jr.)