Which of the following cannot be revoked or terminated without aformal predetermination hearing? A. a drivers license when substantialviolations have occurred B. public education opportunities whenfacing […]
When the government decides to impose a licensurerequirement: A. due process must be satisfied B. equal protection must be satisfied C. both a and b D. […]
Shapiro v. Thompson held that residency requirements for welfarebenefits interfered with A. equal protection B. the right to travel C. both (A) and (B) D. neither […]
An agency does not have the inherent authority topromulgate: A. procedural rules B. substantive rules C. interpretive rules D. none of the above agencies may neverpromulgate […]
Rulemaking: A. concerns past conduct B. concerns future conduct C. can concern either a or b D. concerns only a single present specificconduct at a fixed […]