When is auto-focus a benefit for crime scenephotographers? Why would most crime scene photographers not useautomatic settings? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages ofboth?
Federal Rules of Evidence (FRE) prohibit the introduction ofcharacter evidence in regards to a defendants possible guilt. Thisprohibition also includes not allowing the introduction of evidenceof […]
The attorney-client relationship and resultant privilegedcommunications status is established the moment a person consultswith an attorney for legal advice regardless of whether anypayment for services is […]
Describe the process by which the courts can compel a witness toappear in court. In your response be sure to address the issue ofout-of-state witnesses
The pretrial court process begins with an arrest and ends withthe filing of any pretrial motions. Discuss the elements associatedwith each phase of the pretrial process.
Prepare a paper analyzing why under certain circumstances twostate trials in two different states for the murder of the sameperson will not violate the Double Jeopardy […]