2) Can the solubilities of lead formate Pb(CHO2)2 (pKso=6.70 pKa=3.75) and copper iodate Cu(IO3)2 (pKso=7.13 pKa=0.79) be made equal by adjusting pH? If so at what pH value are the solubilities equal? How does this pH value depend on the ionic strength?3) Given the following average sea water composition in mM:Ion mMHCO3- 2.38Cl- 545.0Ca2+ 30.2Na+ 468.0K+ 10.2With PCO2=10-3.5 atm. What is the solubility of Au(s) in sea water? The following equilibrium constants may be used:AuCl2- + e- = Au(s) +2Cl- log K=19.2AuCl4- + 3e- = Au(s) + 4 Cl- log K=51.3Au(OH)4- + 4H+ +4Cl- = AuCl4-+4H2O log K=29.64CO2(g) = CO2(aq) K=10-1.5 M/atmO2+4H++4e-= 2H2O log K=83.2H++e-= 1/2H2 log K=0.0