A4 INCENTIVES VS. CONTROL.pdf (319048 KB)Mention discuss and distinguish:1. The responsibilities of a board of directors2. Different types of shares in a corporation3.Where could exist conflict situations of interest (moral hazard)A5Identify list define discuss and propose possible solutions to (at least) three issues of non ethical in the video:Ten Trillion and counting http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/tentrillion/view/A6Identify list define discuss and propose possible solutions to (at least) three issues of non ethical (lack of ethics) in the video:Inside Job http://www.filmsforaction.org/watch/inside_job_2010/A7Read both Bertrand Mehta and Mullainathans Ferreting Out Tunneling: An Application to Indian Business Groups and Masulis Wang and Xies Agency Problems at Dual-Class Companies.1. Explain the concepts on what they are based on for both in different paragraph 2. Compare the similarities and differences of both listed and clear