Complete a800-1000 word summary/description of the book Microbe Hunter. Include/emphasize the following ideas where appropriate. Devote at least one paragraph for each appropriate topic. These questions are a guide to writing your report and should not be listed and answered individually. Your report should flow from beginning to end. 1. How did the scientists described in the book think and work?2. Were any new scientific theories described or tested?3. What new scientific information was uncovered?4. What were the rewards and/or frustrations of the scientists?5. Of what use to mankind is/was the information described?6. Describe the major or fundamental science themes of the book.7. How did this book affect or change your thoughts about Science?8. Did the author have a thesis for the book? How well did he/she develop that thesis?9. (Miscellaneous thoughts/comments on the book and/or science)Requirements for report:Typed double-spaced Times New Roman 12 pt font