Seitzs list of several hundred business-to-businesscustomers continues to grow. Managers would like to know whetherthe average dollar amount of sales per transaction per customer haschanged from last year to this year. Suppose company accountantssampled 20 customers randomly from last years records anddetermined that the mean sales per customer was $2300 with astandard deviation of 500. They sampled 25 customers randomly fromthis years files and determined that the mean sales per customerfor this sample was $2450 with a standard deviation of 540.Analyze these data and summarize your findings for managers.Explain how this information is can be used by decision makers.Assume that sales per customer are normally distributed.Here is the extracted data.Last Yearx1 = 2300s1 = 500n1 = 20This Yearx2 = 2450s2 = 540n2 = 25