Discuss the differences between substantivelaw procedural law criminal law civil law common law andstatutory law. Provide examples of each type of law and in whatsetting those […]
What types of intellectual property are used at yourorganization? How are they protected? What are the advantages anddisadvantages of a noncompete clause as opposed to a […]
What are the elements of negligence? How does an intentionaltort differ from negligence? Provide examples of both negligenceand an intentional tort. How does the strict liability […]
Did the court of appeals err in deciding that the burden ofproof in the defamation action initiated by Michael Gallagheragainst Megan Carter and the Miami Standard […]
Write a 700- to 1050-word paper in which you identifyoptionsavailable under community corrections and describe how othernations view the use of imprisonment. Address the following inyourpaper: […]
DQ 1:Are juveniles truly capable of understanding the seriousness andconsequences of their actions? If so at what age are they capableof understanding? At what age should […]
Write a 1050-1750-word paper in whichyou examine the various perspectives of the policing function fromthe local state and federal organizational levels. Be sure toidentify and address […]
Write a 1400-1750-word paper in whichyou evaluate past present and future trends in the interfacebetween components of the criminal justice system and criminaljustice connections with surrounding […]