When can an ordinary word such as window be granted trademarkprotection?a. In any situation if the applicant is the firstto apply for trademark protection of that […]
In general trademark protection is granted based on whether thetrademark isa. novel and usefulb. the original creation of the trademarkregistrantc. understandable to the general publicd. distinctive
Which of the following is true about misappropriation of tradesecrets?a. Although it is not necessary that the tradesecret be patented the secret must be such that […]
Under the employment at will doctrine employment relationshipcan be terminateda. by the employee onlyb. by the employer onlyc. only by mutual agreement of the employer andemployeed. […]
In a hostile work environment sexual harassment claim theemployer will have a successful defense if the employer can showthatA. the employer took reasonable care to prevent […]
Which of the following employers have been expressly excludedfrom Title VII?A. Labor unionsB. State and local governmentsC. Most federal agenciesD. Indian tribes