Find at least two articles through ProQuest that discussesthe role of testing of employees as it relates to the selectionprocess. Summarize your findings in a 3-5 […]
Answer the following questions to the case The ToughScreener at the end of Chapter 4: What specific legal problems doyou think Rosen might run into because […]
Answer the questions to the case Finding People Who ArePassionate about What They Do at the end of Chapter 3. Include atleast one outside source supporting […]
You must begin working on this important assignment this week.To get started you will select a theme/topic from the suggestedlist found within the Research Project instructions […]
After reading Chapters 1-3 review the videosRay Kurzweil on HowTechnology Will Transform UsandRay Kurzweil: A University forthe Coming Singularity. (Interactive transcripts are also availableon the TED […]