Watsons TV claims that their televisions have thebest performance record on the market. They advertise that after 3years only 10% of their sold televisions have had […]
New college business graduates are finding it difficultto get a job. A business journal has reported that only one in fivegraduates is able to find a […]
Flash Jolt a manufacturer of camera equipment annuallyintroduces new models in the fall of the year. At the conclusion ofthe Christmas season retail dealers are contacted […]
The normally distributed AAA battery life is stated tobe 350 days when used in a clock radio. The Big Charge BatteryCompany has recently modified the AAA […]
Thomas and Thomas a large plumbing company inLouisville has a huge staff of plumbers that are utilized oncontractual projects. Before a plumber is hired an aptitude […]
Clermont Savings and Loan has four branches locatedthroughout the county. The activity level at these four branchesappears to be different but the manger needs verification. Turnoverrate […]
A test is conducted in eight cities to see if givingaway free transit system maps will increase bus ridership. In aregression analysis the dependent variable is […]
George Foreman was a professional boxer who made a comeback byendorsing grills. Foreman does not own the company that makes thegrills but he became the face […]