What are some examples of alternative dispute resolutions(ADRs)? What are the advantages and disadvantages associated withADR versus litigation? What are some examples of arbitration thatcan occur […]
What are the three branches of government and their functions?How are powers balanced in theU.S.government? How doeseach branch of government make laws? Provide examples.
What are the essential elements necessary to form a validcontract? Provide examples of each. Under what conditions cancontractual duties be modified? When does promissory estoppelapply? Provide […]
Discuss the differences between substantivelaw procedural law criminal law civil law common law andstatutory law. Provide examples of each type of law and in whatsetting those […]
What types of intellectual property are used at yourorganization? How are they protected? What are the advantages anddisadvantages of a noncompete clause as opposed to a […]
What are the elements of negligence? How does an intentionaltort differ from negligence? Provide examples of both negligenceand an intentional tort. How does the strict liability […]
Did the court of appeals err in deciding that the burden ofproof in the defamation action initiated by Michael Gallagheragainst Megan Carter and the Miami Standard […]
Write a 700- to 1050-word paper in which you identifyoptionsavailable under community corrections and describe how othernations view the use of imprisonment. Address the following inyourpaper: […]