The Supreme Court has held that the selection guidelines in thefederal governments Uniform Guidelines on Employee SelectionProcedures also apply to performance measurement (Noe HollenbeckGerhart & Wright […]
six to ten page paper (excluding the title and referencepage) which details the entire criminal justice process for afelony criminal charge filed in a state court. […]
700- to 1050-words to describe the recruitment and selectionprocess for a police officer.Include the major components of the training process and careerdevelopment programs for officers.Format your […]
A first-term junior senator has placed a bill before theSenate that promises to correct tax inequities that affectthousands of workers. However the bill is being held […]
The World of Prison Staff. Write a two to threepage analysis of the section in the text Corrections: AnIntroduction titled Life for a Correctional Officer inChapter […]
Juvenile Detainees. Prepare a paper detailingthe unique situations faced by corrections officials when dealingwith juvenile detainees. At a minimum your paper should focus uponchild development punishment […]
Inchoate Offenses. Provide your opinion ofwhether or not criminal liability and punishment for inchoateoffenses are fair or not. How do the concepts ofactusreusand mensreafit with inchoate […]
Jails and Prisons. Prepare a paper detailingthe differences between jails and prisons and the relative purposesfor each. As an example discuss the differences in length ofsentences […]
Police administrators are responsible for the effectiveness oftheir individualpolice officers. Sir Robert Peel however noted that the mosteffective policewould be those who would need to do […]